速報APP / 生活品味 / Made my day

Made my day



檔案大小:111.3 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器

Made my day(圖1)-速報App

Let me quickly introduce you to "Made my day" - a minimalistic journal app

No subscription


Most of the apps I already tested in the past year require some sort of monthly/yearly subscription to get all features

and fully use the app. *Made my day* is and will always be without a subscription.

Standard format


Made my day(圖2)-速報App

There is nothing worse than a proprietary file format and no (or complicated) way to export your data in case you ever want to switch apps.

I decided to use Markdown because it is pretty widely known and it is really easy to convert to other formats like HTML or Word.

Full file control


Personal journal entries are very sensitive files. Because of that I think it just make sense to give full control to the end user. Don't rely on custom cloud solutions - everything is just stored locally on your system in a directory that you specify.

* Want to save everything on your iCloud? Just select a directory in your *Documents* / *Desktop* directory (depending on your cloud settings)

* Google Drive? Dropbox? ... ? Everything is possible

Made my day(圖3)-速報App

* Even saving everything on an USB drive so no data is on your PC is really easy

* And for the developers out there you can also use private repository

Free themes


Lots of great and free to use themes. There are going to be even more themes in the future



Made my day(圖4)-速報App

There are no external resources that get loaded. No HTTP requests are made. No user registration. **Everything runs locally**.

tl;dr: No personal user data is collected or saved

Made my day(圖5)-速報App